Polyamide nanocomposites with SWCNT

Tailoring polyamide nanocomposites: The synergistic effects of SWCNT chirality and maleic anhydride grafting

This paper demonstrates significant improvements in the mechanical strength of polyamide nanocomposites at optimal maleic anhydride concentrations, specifically due to SWCNT chirality.

June 2024 · Mehedi Hasan, Khayrul Islam, A K M Masud
Tensile deformation of CNT-PMMA composites

An atomistic study of the tensile deformation of carbon nanotube-polymethylmethacrylate composites

This paper demonstrates significant mechanical property enhancements in PMMA composites reinforced with SWCNTs and finds that double-walled CNTs provide nearly twice the tensile strength.

July 2023 · Anshu Raj, Sk Md Ahnaf Akif Alvi, Khayrul Islam, Mohammad Motalab, Shuozhi Xu
CNT-polyoxymethylene composite

Molecular dynamics simulation of the mechanical properties of CNT-polyoxymethylene composite with a reactive forcefield

This paper demonstrates significant mechanical property enhancements in SWCNT-reinforced POM composites by varying CNT diameter and volume fraction.

March 2020 · Khayrul Islam, Sourav Saha, A K M Masud